Monday, September 29, 2014

Felt Stick Horses

The stick horse is a classic toy encouraging active play and imagination in children so when I came across this DIY Felt Stick Horse Tutorial by Lia Griffith I had to give it a try. As usual, I added my own variations and couldn't stop at just one. Once my creative process was going I moved on to dragons, unicorns and even zebras!

Instead of the wool felt used in the tutorial I used craft felt purchased off the bolt and it worked well.  I did make my first horse using felt for the mane. The felt mane gives the horse a rustic handcrafted look. I decided to try making the mane using acrylic yarn on my next horse and was told by my grand-daughter that the yarn mane is prettier. I just winged it when it came to making the yarn mane but I am sure there are tutorials for this as well.

This is an inexpensive sewing project and can be completed by a beginning sewer using the tutorial link listed above. Dowels, ribbon, felt and yarn are all available at local fabric/craft stores and large retailers with craft departments (Walmart).   The creative possibilities for this project are only limited by the imagination.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

February's Sewing and Alterations Projects Completed

I can't believe March is already here! Thankfully, we are finally getting the rain we needed so much.  It seems odd not to have a snow covered yard this time of year.  

February was a busy month for alterations.  My favorite project this month was removing some lace from a 1980's wedding gown and adding it to a modern wedding gown and making a vintage inspired garter.  The vintage gown was worn by an aunt and the bride to be carried the train at that long ago wedding making it a very sentimental piece. Seeing the 1980's gown with the huge puffed sleeves really took me back! Remember Princess Diana's wedding gown?  If not, I have attached a picture to refresh your memory.  

I am a horrible photographer, but here is a picture of the sleeve and bodice of the original gown.  It was hard taking that first cut!

Placing the lace on the modern gown....

The bride-to-be also requested I use some of the lace to make a wedding garter.  I love how this turned out. 
 Other February projects included replacing a zipper and adding shoulder straps to this aqua gown.

I completed a couple custom order requests from my Etsy shop where I sell handmade childrens' clothing...

St. Patrick's Day skirt for a wee lass. Notice the touch of green tulle between the ruffles.  

Monogrammed Chevron Maxi Dress with 3/4 length bell sleeves.

And finally, I found some time to explore some ideas of new items to add to my shop on Etsy.  After several inquiries about palazzo pants for girls I drew up a pattern and here is a shot of the trial pair.  These are wild! I would love to hear what you think of them.

So that is February in a nutshell.  Thank you for visiting my blog!

Warm regards,

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Easy DIY Project Idea for Slumber Party - Themed Boxer Shorts

Boxer shorts, lounge shorts, pj shorts - whatever you want to call them - make great favors for slumber parties and sleepovers. They are quick, easy and affordable to make and there are plenty of good, free tutorials available on the web if you don't already have a pattern. And this idea works well for boys or girls. I made several pair of girls jersey knit boxer shorts and matching headbands for a chevron themed birthday party recently and they are so cute (if I do say so myself)! Watch for a group photo in this blog after the party date. The possibilities for style, fabric choice, and fabric print are endless.  I made the headbands myself but you could save your scraps and let your guests make their own (ninja headband for the boys!) 

Stay tuned...I will be making a ruffled short with drawstring waistband in a mustache print cotton fabric. What do you get when you have a group of girls running around in these shorts, wearing fakes mustaches and derby hats?  A Mustache Bash Party!  Note to self: remember to take photos and add to blog.

Girl's Chevron Print Boxer Shorts and Matching Headband

Chevron Themed Slumber Party

Hope this post inspired you to start planning a child's birthday party or to just get out the sewing machine and make your child a pair of boxers in their favorite themed print.  I would love to hear what ideas you have on this subject.

Happy Sewing!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Maxi Skirts and More From A Delinquent Blogger

OK, so my lack of postings to this blog establishes that I am a horrible blogger...or maybe it means I have been really busy. True, our Sew & So Handmade Boutique on Etsy enjoyed a successful holiday season with our girls maxi skirts and my alterations and sewing business has been steady, but that doesn't mean I didn't have time to blog a little :{  So, here I am 3 months after my last post playing catch-up. If a "picture is worth a thousand words" the following pics should bring you up to date. 

A FEW OF MY PROJECTS (the ones I remembered to photograph!):

Halloween Throw Pillow Cover
Cherry Pie for Sammy
First Mate Pirate Costume for Grandson Karter

Pirate Captain Costume for Grandson Dylan

Crochet Mummy Beanie
Minecraft Creeper Costume for Grandson Bricker




Boys Ties with Adjustable Neck Strap


 Photography by Em'z Design'z and Photography


Whew! I feel so much better now that I have updated my blog :P 

No promises, but I will try to do better in 2014!

Happy New Year, All!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Maxi Skirts at the Cache Valley Gardeners' Market

This past Saturday was our last week of selling Ladies and Girls maxi skirts at the Cache Valley Gardeners' Market.  This was our first season of selling our handmade items at the market and I had so much fun. I am going to miss shopping for fun fabrics to make the girl's skirts. Thank you to all who visited us and all who purchased our skirts and other handmade items.  We still have a few skirts on hand and are trying to decide if we will be doing any gift shows this holiday season.  I will update the blog with any events we decide to participate in.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pillowcase Dresses

I have had so much fun this summer sewing pillowcase dresses for little girls.  For the Forth of July I made red, white and blue polka dot dresses.

The dress is modeled by the daughter of my photographer friend, Emyla. Emyla  is a vendor at the Cache Valley Gardeners' Market and the owner of Em'z Design'z & Photography.

I visit fabric shops frequently.  It is not unusual for me to see a fabric or fabrics and know instantly what I will make with them.  Such is the case with my Big Flowers and Polka Dots pillowcase dress.  I love these colors! Who knew mustard yellow was cute?

Now that August is almost half over and fabric stores are coming out with their fall and winter colors and fabrics I suppose it is time to put away this joyful obsession and move on to something inspired by the change of season.  Suggestions anyone?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Our Etsy shop, Sew & So Handmade Boutique (sewnsohandmade) is up and running for orders of the little girls maxi skirts.  Rachelle will be working to get the ladies skirts listed soon.  I received my first Etsy sale within 24 hours! I was so surprised! Thank you, Heather in Green Bay, Wisconsin for being the first to place an order through our Etsy shop.