Monday, September 29, 2014

Felt Stick Horses

The stick horse is a classic toy encouraging active play and imagination in children so when I came across this DIY Felt Stick Horse Tutorial by Lia Griffith I had to give it a try. As usual, I added my own variations and couldn't stop at just one. Once my creative process was going I moved on to dragons, unicorns and even zebras!

Instead of the wool felt used in the tutorial I used craft felt purchased off the bolt and it worked well.  I did make my first horse using felt for the mane. The felt mane gives the horse a rustic handcrafted look. I decided to try making the mane using acrylic yarn on my next horse and was told by my grand-daughter that the yarn mane is prettier. I just winged it when it came to making the yarn mane but I am sure there are tutorials for this as well.

This is an inexpensive sewing project and can be completed by a beginning sewer using the tutorial link listed above. Dowels, ribbon, felt and yarn are all available at local fabric/craft stores and large retailers with craft departments (Walmart).   The creative possibilities for this project are only limited by the imagination.